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How to Find Scholarships in Naviance Student

How to Find Scholarships in Naviance Student Hello I’m going to show you how to find scholarships through Naviance Students will start on th...

How to Find Scholarships in Naviance Student

How to Find Scholarships in Naviance Student

Hello I’m going to show you how to find scholarships through Naviance Students will start on the Hayfield homepage, and you’ll click on the link for Blackboard. login to Blackboard using your username and password. And once you’re on the main Blackboard landing page, on the left-hand side down at the bottom, you’ll see a link that says Naviance student, click there. When you click there, it will bring you to the homepage of Naviance students. Here on Naviance.

Student You can do college searches, career searches, use a resume builder, and all sorts of things related to preparing for your future. In other videos, I’ll show you how to do many things using this tool. But for now, let’s talk scholarships. From this main page, you’re going to go to colleges, you’re going to scroll down to scholarships and money. And you’re going to click on the scholarship list. This scholarship list shows you all of the scholarships that are currently available. As you are looking live at the list.

This list is constantly changing. So if you look at it tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month from now, the list will look different. So it’s important that you continue to check this list throughout the year, especially when you are senior seniors My recommendation would be to look at every one of the scholarships on this list.
My students who are sophomores, juniors, and yes, even freshmen may want to use the filters here. Because you can look for scholarships that are only for students in your grade level. You can also use the filters to look for other particular areas that might interest you. For instance, students who know they’re going to a two-year college may want to look and see which scholarships are specifically for a two-year college. Remember, again, this is only going to show you the scholarships currently accepting applications, which means the list may look short right now.

How to Find Scholarships in Naviance Student

But it may not be so short the next time you look. One little tip and trick that I’ll give you is if you’re looking at scholarships on a regular basis, I would use this button right here only to show scholarship news since my last visit. Since I was just on this website today, there’s nothing new to show you. But if it had been a week, you might see a very short list of four or five, or six scholarships.
This will help you save time because senior year is a very busy year. So let’s look at this scholarship list. From the main page, you can see quick details when the deadline is how much the maximum award is, and whether or not it’s merit or need-based. And whether or not there’s an essay requirement or service requirement. One word about merit-based and need-based scholarships, merit-based scholarships or scholarships that award based on something great about you. It could be your grades, it could be athletics, it could be your community service, or it could be a number of different things. need-based scholarships are based on your family’s financial ability to pay for college.

Some scholarships will be both merit-based and need-based. And some might only be based on one or the other. But that is something that you should take a look at as you’re looking at scholarships. So let’s say I’m interested in the Allied van line scholarship. If I click here, I can find all of the details about this scholarship. For instance, this one is only for seniors.

I’m going to apply directly to the sponsor of the scholarship. Sometimes the career center may be the place where you’re turning your scholarship application in. And for this one, you must be applying to four-year colleges. This will give you all of the contact information for a scholarship so that if you have a question about the application or about the scholarship itself, you know who to speak to.
And right here either there will be an online application link. Or you might see the application in a Word document or a PDF form. by the deadline and the maximum award, we saw on the main page. Renewable means whether or not you can reapply for the scholarship as a sophomore if you get it as a freshman. In this particular case, this scholarship is a one-time-only award, and the description, it will tell you more about the scholarship. If there are certain majors you must have, or other particular requirements. This will tell you more details.

And then the last part to look at before you actually apply is the qualifications. If they have a minimum GPA or any other particular qualification, those things would be listed here. Down at the bottom, you’ll notice that this particular scholarship does require an essay and it does not have a service requirement. service requirements mean that they are looking for students who have done community service throughout their high school years. If all of this looks great, you can click right on the website and go straight to the application for the scholarship. If you have any questions about using Naviance student to find scholarships, come see me in the Career Center and I’d be glad to help

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