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Types Of Family In Nigeria

 Types Of Family In Nigeria In this Post, I'll talk about the different kinds of families that are common in Nigeria today. Even tho...

Types Of Family In Nigeria

 Types Of Family In Nigeria

In this Post, I'll talk about the different kinds of families that are common in Nigeria today. Even though I know there are more than 12 types of family structures in the world, I will only talk about the ones that are important to Nigeria in this article.

The family is very important to a child's development because it may be the one thing that has the most effect on their growth. Because children need adults for a long time, all societies are built around groups of people that we usually call "the family."

Because of changes in family structures over the past few years, children have sometimes had to live in familiar places that aren't always the best. In this piece, we'll look at this.

1. Nuclear family

The nuclear family is the most common type of family in Nigeria. There are two parents and children in this kind of family. The nuclear family has always been seen as the best place for children to grow up. Nuclear families are strong and stable because they have two parents. They also usually have better chances because two people can make more money than one.

When you think about what a nuclear family is, a family with adopted children might not seem like a nuclear family.

In reality, a nuclear family is one in which both parents live together and raise their children, whether the children were born into the family or were adopted.

Since both parents live in the same house, most of the time there is financial stability in the family. Both parents are likely to have jobs and make a living. In general, this makes life better for the family. Another benefit of the nuclear family is that the parents usually raise their children, in the same way, every time. Both of their parents give them just as much time and care as the other.

2. Single-Parent Family

This kind of family has one parent and one or more children. This kind of family can happen when a child is born outside of a marriage, when a parent dies when a couple gets a divorce and lives apart, or when a couple breaks up and lives in different places. When there is only one parent in the home, friends, family, and other relatives help raise the children. When the parent has to go to work, this safety net can help take care of the child.

It's not unusual to see this kind of family in Nigeria these days. Along with nuclear families, we also have families with only one parent. People in this kind of family tend to get close to each other because they spend so much time together. They also get to learn how to do chores around the house as a family.

Since there is only one parent in a single-parent family, that parent usually does most of the work and pays most of the bills. So, the family has to work hard to get by on one salary.

Being a single parent and taking care of kids all by yourself can be very hard. It can be very hard for kids to grow up without one of their parents. So, the parents and children would always need to depend on each other for love and support. This would make the family stronger.

3. Step Family

I've seen that the rate of divorce in Nigeria is, without a doubt, one of the higher ones. People who get a divorce often decide to get married again. Because of this, two different families join to make a stepfamily, also called a blended family. It includes the new husband, wife, or spouse's or partner's children from previous marriages or relationships.

Stepfamilies are about as common as nuclear families, even though they often have their own problems, like getting used to each other and acting out. Stepfamilies need to learn to work together and with their ex-spouses for these family groups to work well.

4. Extended Family

Like a normal extended family, one or both grandparents, a married couple, their kids, and other relatives like aunts, uncles, and cousins all live in the same house. It is not an extended family if a child from a previous marriage or relationship lives with the spouse and the rest of the group.

There is a term for a "incomplete extended family." In this kind of large family, a single parent with children lives with their grandmother, grandfather, or both, as well as other relatives. Since both parents aren't there, this family is considered to be missing something. A typical extended family has problems, like how everyone in the house probably has an opinion on how to raise the kids. Another problem is that there is a money problem with the extended family. It can be hard on the parents if they have to pay for a lot of adults and kids without getting any help in return. Another problem is privacy. Most extended families who live together don't have much privacy. This may depend on what kind of house they live in.

The older people who live in the house could get more care and attention. This is a big advantage of having a bigger family. Also, when the parents go to work, the people at home can help them take care of their kids. When there is an emergency, family members are always willing to help with housework and other tasks.

5. Separated Family

The parents of this kind of family are no longer together because something went wrong in their marriage. Even though they don't want to live together, they still have to take care of their children. When parents are separated, they share responsibilities. This is different from single-parent families, where the parent who lives with the child is usually the only one responsible for raising the child, even though she is the one who takes care of the child.

6. Childless Family

A childless family is a type of family where the married couple has decided not to have children. Also, the couple in this house might not be able to have children. In Nigeria, a family without children isn't seen as a full family because it's not like the typical family, which has a father, a mother, and, of course, children.

There are many things that can make a family not have any children. One of these is the problem of not being able to have children. One partner may have fertility problems that make it hard for the couple to have children. A family may also be called "childless" if one parent has a genetic illness that could be passed on to their children if they decide to have children.

The married couple can then decide not to have children so that they don't give the disease to their children. Also, if both parents are focused on their careers, they might decide they don't want kids yet because they wouldn't have time to raise them. Couples who don't have a steady source of income might also decide to wait until their finances get better before starting a family.

The family can also spend a lot of money without having to worry about taking care of young kids. Couples in this kind of family always have more free time, and as long as they have enough money, they can go wherever they want. They also have the chance to get more education and move up in their careers.

7. Grandparent Family

For many different reasons, a child may be raised by his or her grandparents instead of his or her parents. This is a grandparent family if the grandparents take care of their grandkids by themselves, without help from the kids' parents.

Many grandparents raise their grandchildren today for a number of reasons. One out of every fourteen kids is raised by their grandparents without their parent's help.

This could be because the parent has died, is addicted to drugs, has left the child, or is unable to be a parent. To help pay for their grandchildren, many grandparents have to go back to work or find other ways to make money.

I hope that this article has helped you in some way. Leave your thoughts and questions in the comments.

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