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Best countries for Nigerians to migrate or relocate to

Best countries for Nigerians to migrate or relocate to Do you want to go abroad to find better places to live? Here are up to 10 of the ...

Best countries for Nigerians to migrate or relocate to

Best countries for Nigerians to migrate or relocate to

Do you want to go abroad to find better places to live? Here are up to 10 of the best countries for Nigerians to move to.

Many people have left Nigeria for greener pastures and better opportunities, and some are still making plans to move.

Nigerians make up the largest group of people who move from Africa to developed countries, according to data. Nigerians were said to make up about 20,000 of the people who crossed the Mediterranean Sea in 2016.

A 2020 study on the Centre for Global Development said that the number of Nigerians who move abroad has gone from 450,000 in 1990 to 1.4 million in 2019. This record may be higher, though, because most people don't have official records.

Also, many Nigerians were said to have been sent home from places like South Africa, Libya, and Italy in the past two years, from 2017 to 2019. Even though these trips are dangerous, the immigrants seem to think that their future success depends on their ability to go abroad.

Most people who want to move have good reasons for wanting to do so. Some are going for business reasons, some are going for school, some are looking for jobs, and some want to get away from the hassles and stress of home to live a better life.

No matter why you want to move to another country, this article will help you. It will give you a list of the best and most desirable places to move from Nigeria. 

1. Canada

The first country on our list of the top 8 places for Nigerians to move is Canada. English and French are both official languages in Canada. Recently, Nigerians have been hearing a lot about Canada because many Nigerians seem to be in love with the country.

Canada is the second-biggest country. It has about 37 million people and is the second largest country in the world, after Russia.

Canada has made it easier for skilled immigrants, in particular, to move there. You can get into Canada in different ways if you are from Nigeria and have the right skills, education, and job qualifications.

You can use the federal express entry migration system or the provincial nomination system. Another way is to get a job with a Canadian employer in Canada.

You would find it easier to get permanent residency if you had an English Language certificate from high school and college, as well as a master's degree.

If you want to move to Canada with your wife, kids, parents, or siblings, Canada will help you do that. It takes about three years to become a citizen of Canada.

Canada is at the top of this list of the 8 best countries for Nigerians to move to because it has good schools and a good way of life. It also gives its people access to important healthcare services.

2. Switzerland

Switzerland is the second country on our list of the top 8 places for Nigerians to move to.

Switzerland has four official languages: French, German, Romansh, and Italian. Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. The quality of life in the country is good, and it also has a low unemployment rate.

Switzerland is home to about 8.5 million people. Since there are four official languages, you should be able to speak at least one of them well.

You won't compare Switzerland's economy to Nigeria's because Switzerland's is so much better. But you should know that it can take up to 10 years to become a Swiss citizen.

If you are from Nigeria, you might want to add Switzerland to your list of possible places to move to.

3. Australia

Australia is third on our list of the top 8 best places for people from Nigeria to move to. Australia has been said to be one of the best places for a Nigerian to move to.

No matter where you are in the country or what race or religion you are, you can live a good life.

Australia is home to about 24 million people, and the weather there is known to be a bit rough. This has hurt the country in some ways, like making it hard to find skilled workers.

Because of this, the country, just like Canada, is always looking for skilled workers from other parts of the world to fill open jobs.

Even though they have tightened their borders recently, especially because it costs a lot to get a visa, they still have a lot of people coming from all over the world (Nigeria included).

If what you want to do is legal and will help the country grow, Australia is open to you. As an immigrant, you have a lot of opportunities there.

4. Poland

Poland is number 4 on our list of the top 8 best places for people from Nigeria to move to. Poland is a great place to live because it has so many ways to make a living. Along with other benefits, the country has great economic benefits. The country has a lot of history and encourages its people to be different. There are lots of fun things to do outside, and if you like to hike, Poland is a great place to do that.

Poland is on this list because it is easy on the wallet. Their local currency is called the Polish Zloty, and it costs 0.25 U.S. dollars to buy one.

Your daily budget would be between $25 and $35, since each meal would cost you between $5 and $10. This is very close to how much it would cost you to eat Nigerian food back home.

Depending on what you do for a living, you could make between $150 and $300 a day, which should be enough to cover your costs.


5. Singapore

Singaporeans speak English, Mandarin Chinese, Standard Mandarin, Tamil, and Malay, among other languages. The country is one of the best places for Nigerians to move to, according to our list.

The country is an island and is seen as one of the most important financial hubs in Asia, even though it only has a population of about 6 million people.

The human development index ranks Singapore as having the fifth best quality of life. It's a good choice because they welcome newcomers. To start working here, you will need a work permit, and it could take up to ten years to become a citizen.

If you are interested in business and want to start your own company, you can start your business and get a visa to live in the country.

6. Germany

Germany is the sixth-best easy country to move to from Nigeria on our list of the top eight.

Germany is a top country in Europe and most people who want to move to Europe dream of living there. But you can't really say that getting a visa to Europe or Germany is easy.

The country has as many as 80 million people, which is a lot, but not as many as Nigeria. They speak German, so there isn't much of a language barrier.

You might want to learn some basic words and phrases in their language to fit in. Germany is still a good place for Nigerians to move, even though they don't speak the language.

When it comes to development, they are way ahead of most of the countries on this list. It has a high standard of living because its economy is strong. It is a good place to live if you want to live well.

Imagine that you work as a doctor, nurse, engineer, etc. Germany would be a great choice for you. Also, people with skills or who are tech experts are welcome to live and work in Germany.

7. Hungary

Are you looking for places in Europe where you can get a visa quickly from Nigeria? Hungary is a good place to go. Hungary isn't just "some country in Europe"; it's one of the best places to visit in Europe. Nigerians can move there easily because it is one of the best places to live.

You must have heard of one of its most famous cities, Budapest. It's also a place where living costs aren't too high. You might want to visit other cities like Drebecen. They may not be as interesting as Budapest, but they are cheaper to eat and stay in.

The Hungarian Forint is the name of the country's money. With about $15, you can get a meal for the day. A place to stay for the night could cost between $20 and $25. This means that as a new immigrant, you should plan to spend between $35 and $50 per day.

8. Slovakia

Slovakia is a European country that borders Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Austria. The currency they use is the Euro.

It is known to have a small population of about 5 million people and mountainous areas. Its capital city is called Bratislava, and there are many architectural and museum centers to see there.

Slovakia is a good place to run a business selling wine or beer because they have a lot of it. If you want to find cheap, easy-to-move-to European countries, you should check out this one.

If you know how to budget and keep track of your spending, it shouldn't be more than $40 per day (feeding plus accommodation).

People from Nigeria will do well in this country. Nigerians should move there because it is one of the best places to live.

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