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Best Country To Migrate To From Nigeria

 Best Country To Migrate To From Nigeria Talking about where Nigerians should move right now leads to the obvious question, "Why ar...

Best Country To Migrate To From Nigeria

 Best Country To Migrate To From Nigeria

Talking about where Nigerians should move right now leads to the obvious question, "Why are Nigerians moving to different countries/territories right now?" Nigerians are not leaving because they want to go on vacation or retire. Instead, they are leaving because their country is at war.

Two terrible things happened because of the state of war: First, economic migration was caused by the massive looting of national assets by public and political actors. This greedy or grabbing mentality turned corrupt practices into an art, and corrupt officials in charge of running things thought it was their time to take from the national commonwealths. Due to their lack of patriotism, an alarmingly large number of Nigeria's working class are now unemployed or underemployed. Second, nobody sleeps with both eyes closed anymore because the level of insecurity is so high. Third, there are arm robberies, armed robberies, and kidnappings every day. Lastly, there are fake investors. These are dishonest people who steal people's money by pretending to be an investment company. There are no enforcement agencies to report them to.

If you don't believe that mass migration is happening in the country, you can check by going to one of the Nigeria Immigration Service Passport issuing Centers all over the country. The crisis of not having enough passport booklets is caused by the fact that the number of people applying for passports has gone through the roof since 2021. More people are applying for passports than ever before, so much so that some Passport Issuing Centers are now open on weekends. That's a strange thing to happen, and it's hard to imagine it happening in the past. You only saw something like this happen in Afghanistan.



Without getting too deep into statistics, the United Kingdom is by far the best option for Nigerians who want to leave their country because of the terrible situation there right now.

As of the time this article was written, there were severe shortages of workers in many areas of social and economic development in the United Kingdom. This was caused by Brexit and made worse by the sudden arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, which keeps coming back in different ways.

The United Kingdom government is taking a direct approach to the problem, which is what any serious government would do. As of Friday, December 17, 2021, the government said that the UK's immigration rules for foreign care workers will be temporarily loosened so that the country can hire and keep staff. They gave a long time frame of a year to recruit people. That was just a second.

Before that, there were regular calls for medical professionals, registered nurses, health care workers, caregivers, and caregivers to be brought in from other countries. In the UK, people who work as software engineers, butchers, and mechanical engineers are in high demand.


Most of the problems caused by a lack of workers in the UK are the same or even worse in the Republic of Ireland. The only difference is that Ireland is a member of the European Union and can get help from the group. But Ireland needs serious help from countries outside the EU.

Right now, anyone looking for the best place to move should do everything they can to get to the Republic of Ireland. We heard from a reliable source that most of the foreign workers who are already in Ireland are being processed to make their stay legal. This is to help with the severe shortages of workers.

If you want to live in a country where everyone speaks and writes in English, where the minimum wage is good, and where the quality of life is the best, all you have to do is find a qualified consultant or recruiter in your field who can help you get a job in Ireland. The country needs people like you right now. If you're not sure, get a visitor's visa to Dublin. You'll soon see that the cost of going there is well worth it.


Since Canada is a country that welcomes immigrants, it is proud to have set up well-respected categories of express entries. However, the reality is that if you can find a way to the Canadian border, you will never be turned away. At the moment, the best and fastest way to move to Canada is to go there on a visitor's visa to see how things work. The situation requires that they treat you based on what their country needs right now.

Even as recently as 2017, hundreds of Nigerians left the United States by driving through New York State to the Canadian border. They gave many clear reasons for leaving Nigeria, including wanting to get away from Mr. Trump's crazy policies and actions. In the end, there was no way back, so everyone was allowed to stay as a refugee.

Back then, there was no coronavirus pandemic. Right now, the never-ending pandemic has made it harder to find a job in Canada, but the country is doing everything it can to make things better. As a well-organized upper-middle-income country, Canada should be at the top of your list of the best places for Nigerians to move.

In the end, Canada gives immigrants well-thought-out programs that all lead to citizenship in as little time as possible. If you're from Nigeria and decide to move here, it won't take you long to feel at home because there's a system in place to help you and your kids grow up. Because of this, Canada is still the best place to move because it's easy for newcomers to fit in.


Switzerland is an advanced industrialized country with a population of 8.749 million people. It is in the mountains of Western Europe and has a high level of development in many areas. As a country whose economy is getting stronger and whose system is well-run, hiring professionals is key to its industrial growth. However, Switzerland is facing shortages of workforce regards the employment of skilled workers due to divergent reasons. The COVID-19 pandemic makes it even worse than it was before. At the moment, the country is doing everything it can to get skilled people from outside the European Union to move there.

As a country that is not a full member of the European Union, it is not hard to organize skilled foreign workers, unlike a full member. Also, as an immigrant-friendly country where more than one official language is spoken and recognized, the system doesn't require you to be fluent in any official language before you can work as an expert. Every day is a pleasure to live and work in Switzerland.

If you decide to move here, you're going to do well. To top it all off, you can have more than one citizenship. Immigrants are allowed to keep their country of origins passport unlike in nearby Germany where you have to hide your previous travel document, until recently.

Please know from the start that the cost of living here is usually high, so the standard of living is also high. However, the pay is also high, so the work-life balance is good for anyone who wants to move here. If you choose Switzerland, you won't be sorry in the long run.

The best way to start the process of moving is to get a work visa in your home country. Please keep in mind that it will take more than five years before you can start the process of applying for citizenship, no matter which path you plan to take. Even getting Swiss citizenship by marrying a Swiss citizen, which is the fastest way, takes more than five years.


Australia may be far distant by all standards but no immigrant that comes here through legal means wants to return. In Australia life is good. You have two ways to achieve your goal of relocating or migrating to Australia. By investing in a full-time further study to stay or processing a work visa from your present country of residence.

Australia, which is an industrialized country, has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. The country has a shortage of workers in key parts of the economy, so if you are a qualified immigrant and you know how to get a work visa to Australia, you will be surprised to find that things are in your favor, unlike in the past when they would make things harder than they needed to be. You might not have to work as hard as you thought to get a job and a work visa.

Multiple sources say that skilled workers are in short supply in Australia. This means that any foreigner with the right skills and licenses to meet Australia's economic and social needs will have no trouble getting a job that will lead to permanent residency, which is the easiest way for an immigrant to become a citizen.


Finland, which is called Suomi in Scandinavia, has been my favorite for a long time because it is a place where people from Nigeria tend to settle down quickly and do well above average. People know that a country lets immigrants vote and take part in politics.

Migrating to Finland is a right decision anytime in that it is a place where your rights as an immigrant or worker are well protected by law. Discrimination is almost nonexistent. Any day is a good day to live and work in Finland.

The Finnish economy is doing very well right now, but because it is an advanced economy, it is being hit hard by the terrible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and things need to be fixed quickly. There is a severe lack of skilled workers, and the country is seriously thinking about hiring people from outside the European Union.

Finland is one of the best places for Nigerians to move to without looking back, because you won't want to leave once you get there. Even though English is not the first language, everything is set up well for you to stay. Also, language won't be a problem for you because most people speak and understand English well.

If you want to move to Finland, all you have to do is hire an experienced recruiter to help you. You will be surprised to find that things aren't as hard as many people thought.


Portugal, which is on the Iberian peninsula, should be at the top of anyone's list of the best places to move to right now. Even though jobs and salaries may not be as high as they are in the most advanced economies, moving here is usually a good idea in the long run.

Some things about Portugal make it a better place for immigrants to move to than many other places in Europe.

1. Good weather conditions, In Portugal, you can enjoy good weather all year long, unlike in Northern Europe, where you have to deal with temperate weather every day.

2. There is no discrimination, and living and working with friendly people who are used to interacting with people of different races makes it better to live here.

3. Unlike many of the countries we looked at above, Portugal may not offer you a high salary, but the cost of living here is lower than in most Western European countries with similar standards.

We chose Portugal as one of the best places for Nigerians to move to now because things are changing and the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting different countries in different ways. Portugal is facing problems that have never been seen before, and there aren't enough skilled workers in many important parts of the economy.

Since the country is willing to hire skilled workers from outside the European Union, if you have the right qualifications, you can ask how you might be able to help solve Portugal's unemployment problem.


Germany, which has the largest economy in all of Europe, is the last country we chose as one of the best places for Nigerians to move right now. Due to language and citizenship issues, Germany has to be last, even though there are many things that might make immigrants want to move here permanently.

Germany has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. It also has one of the best education systems that is affordable and open to everyone. Workers' rights are respected, and immigrants have a good chance of getting a better job with good pay here. Living and working in a country without racial discrimination is both a joy and a blessing, so the people there are very polite and helpful.

But if you decide to move here, you will have to deal with the issue of having two citizenships. Any immigrant who wanted to become a German citizen was usually asked to give up their citizenship from their home country.


As we were writing this article, we asked around and found out that the new German government is now considered to have dual citizenship.

Here's what the announcement said:

"Foreigners who meet the requirements and want to become German citizens will no longer have to give up their old citizenship, as the new German government has said it will allow dual citizenship."

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